June 05, 2004

What I Learned Today

Occasionally I list interesting tidbits that I learned during the day. I do it mostly for myself because if I don't repeat what I learn either through telling it to someone or writing about it, I usually forget it. I suspect my friends wonder why I start random conversations about the Ugandan porn industry, but my friends are patient folk, so they deal with it.

What I Read Today
On the firing of George Tenet: "One George down, one to go."

Quote of the Day
Do your best not to say, "I told you so." Instead, say what you really think: "If I'd ran your life, we'd both be happy."

Company Names of the Day
(for a dog translator): Bowlingual
(yes, it's a real site) : Egay

What I Learned Today
Dolphins use whistles as names for each other. They get their whistle-name from their mothers when they are born. Males get whistles similar to their mothers; females get whistles different from their mothers. So some times, when a dolphin whistles. he is saying the equivalent of, "Hey Bob. Are you there?" And if Bob is nearby, he'll whistle Charlie's name. "Charlie, I'm caught in a tuna net. Help!" And Charlie will respond, "Hell no. They already named their mascot after me. I'm on Starkist's Ten Most Wanted list. When Starkist renames their "fish" Bob, give me a whistle." (book)

Theory of the Day
A few years ago, I had a powerful sense of déjà vu when I was talking to a clerk in a camping store. I had a gut feeling that I had met that person before but I didn't know where. In the car ride home, I realized that I had met someone the week before who looked very similar to him.

What made me think about déjà vu today I do not remember, but I have a theory about why it happens. Déjà vu occurs when someone is in a situation similar to one he has been in before but can not fully remember what the original situation is. As a corollary, people who can store a lot of information but are poor at recalling it experience déjà vu more often than people with better memories.

In other words, when one feels the sensation of déjà vu, there is a good reason for feeling it.

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