June 06, 2004


I rarely remember my dreams unless I have them after I wake up and go back to sleep. Sometimes I wish I could remember more of them, and other times I'm glad I'm not because the parts I do remember are weird.

One fragment from today: I'm outside with some people I don't know in a grassy landscape with tress and hills around. Everything has a blue tint to it, some parts more than others. The tree leafs are a midnight blue and the trunk is cloaked in shadow. The grass is cyan, and it looks like it is night time with a strong moon out. I complain, "They got it wrong. There's too much blue in here." I was irritated because I felt someone didn't know what they were doing in Photoshop. Then the sun comes out, and the yellow light mixes with the blue to turn everything that should be green to green. I said something like, "Oh, now I get it. That's cool."

I read that men dream about strangers more often than women. It is at least true for me.

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