September 26, 2007


While waiting for a train at Union Station:

DAUGHTER: "Why is the train wet? Did it go underwater?"
FATHER: "It's wet because it's raining."

You likely pictured a girl and her father when reading that. How old did they appear? Did they have a distinct appearance? Please post what you saw in the comments.


betakate said...

I picture Dad with his 19-year-old bubble-headed daughter.

To be fair, I shouldn't judge. I have definitely said stupider things.

Anonymous said...

Once in New York a friend who was visiting asked me what happens when the train goes underwater from Brooklyn to Manhattan and when I asked what she meant, she wanted to know what it looks like outside the window. I explained the train is still in a tunnel, so the view is the same as it is between most other stops and she gave me a very disappointed "Oh."

That said, I am still surprised to learn that there is somehow more than one person out there who seems to think a subway car can travel underwater like a submarine.

Jason said...

Thanks for the comments. I'm surprised you pictured her as 19, Kate. It's valid, but it makes the interpretation of the conversation completely different.

The girl looked about 10. I saw her question as wanting to believe the world is an interesting, even magical place, and being disappointed in finding out it's as ordinary as it looks.

If the Metro did run underwater, wouldn't that be cool? Isn't it the type of thing you would see in a fantasy movie?