January 29, 2007

Pancake City Podcast--Dead Before Arrival?

The fees and hassle to produce a legal music podcast are prohibitive for me. My original idea was to make a biweekly podcast of six genre-related songs along with a bit of comedy. That's not going to happen. It's way too expensive, especially considering the small-scale nature of what I want to make.

The host of NPR's All Songs Considered podcast (excellent for anyone who likes new music) occasionally mentions, "We try to get rights to play full versions on the podcast. When we can't, you can listen to the whole version of the song at out website, ..."

When a large corporation like NPR can't get rights to include some songs in their podcast, and the DMCA doesn't include a special "Pancake City" exception in the law (I checked--thanks a lot, CONgress), it's time to ask a question that has always guided me through troubled times: "What would Liberal Jesus do?"

Liberal Jesus, is of course, NPR, and if NPR can stream a podcast on the web, maybe I can too.

I've found some answers to my questions, and at least one streaming company, LoudCity, that will supposedly stream a radio station and handle all the royalty paperwork for a monthly fee, starting at $20 per month. I saw supposedly because I need to check the fine print (Garamond, 8pt--very annoying) and see if thereis anything being left out or unmentioned.

I'm not sure I want to pay $20 per month to stream a few podcasts every month, but it's either that or do an underground, illegal version for a few dozen friends and acquaintances.

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