January 09, 2007

Future Projects

I'm trying to restore a sense of balance in my life by playing poker less and putting my energy into other activities. I have not been successful playing poker less often, in spite of the fact it is often frustrating, tedious, and lately, not profitable.

But as I am a man of leisure, I have enough free time for both. I'm trying to post more regularly. I will be adding a chunk of photos to my Flickr account soon (first one up).

I have also been toying with the idea of doing a bimonthly music podcast of about six songs a week. There are some logistical issues, and I'm not sure I'm up to the commitment of doing a biweekly podcast. Maybe I'll give it a shot for a month and see how it goes.

I have been thinking of writing a Pancake City book for a while now. Fifty/fifty old and new material. I like the idea of writing a book where I only have to write half the book.

I think I'm going to have to go back to unplugging my wireless adapter and put it in another room. It has been pretty effective in getting me to concentrate.

Just thinking out loud. Well, writing out loud. Except that I'm writing, so there's no sound involved. I guess I'm thinking out loud and writing out silently. My ideas, also silent, may be sound, figuratively. And literally?
What are we to call the noiseless voice in our head that "says" our thoughts without lips? You know, the one we can hear without ears.

What is the difference between the memory of candy cane red and seeing the red in a candy cane in real life? Does the memory have any reliability, any truth?

Okay, I need to stop. I probably sound like the intro in a Philosophy 101 book. Leave some comments, people--it encourages me to write.


betakate said...

More Jason posts! And podcasting!

Unknown said...

I vote for the book too.

Anonymous said...

podcasting!! "A single mention leads to a lifetime of obligation" Some famous sucker said that so I put in quotation for you!
