February 02, 2004

Three Things About Levitra

1. It's no longer erectile dysfunction. It's "ED." Or, on the tube, a football being thrown again and again through a tire. "Have a problem with ED?" "You can get help for ED." (Tip for guys: ladies love having their vaginas compared to an old tire.)

2. Levitra does not prevent against sexually transmitted diseases. This is not my bold declaration. That's one of the disclaimers for Levitra. In fact, by its function, Levitra greatly enhances your risk of getting a sexual disease. It also increases your risk of poking someone's eye out and allows you to play horseshoes anywhere. Like with ED.

3. Erectile dysfunction occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood into the penis. In these cases, the heart is also not pumping enough blood into the brain, arms, legs, and every other area of the body. Erectile dysfunction is an early warning sign of a heart disease. But don't worry about that. Take the Levitra Challenge.

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