February 10, 2004

"I'm electable if you vote for me" -- Dennis Kucinich

Perhaps, most telling, the Virginia exit polls showed, was the perception that Kerry could defeat President Bush in the November election. Of the plurality of voters who said the ability to defeat Bush was the most important candidate quality in determining their choice, three quarters voted for Kerry, according to the survey.

I don't know if voters are being savvy or stupid by thinking Kerry is the most electable candidate. A lot has been made of the advantage Kerry has when one matches up his service in Vietnam against Bush's service in...well, we're still figuring that one out. But will this resonate with the public? The 1996 campaign also had a war hero v. a candidate with questionable military service. Except the draft dodger won.

Different times, different needs, different everything, I know. I'm just suggesting the conventional wisdom on this one isn't as strong as it first appears.

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