October 06, 2007

That's All I Got

I'm halfway done unearthing and organizing my old files. I found a few partially written stories that I have absolutely no recollection of writing. I must have started them many years ago. None of them are close to a recognizable story, but there are a few interesting paragraphs among the mess:

"General Montayo didn’t smoke small cigars. He didn’t smoke large cigars. He smoked medium cigars. Large cigars were a wasteful extravagance, the pleasure never equating with the money. Small cigars were an insult. An insult to flavor, to quiescence, and most of all, to the ambrosia-filled state of mindless pleasure that made time eternal for a few, brief minutes, and let a man’s perturbations explode from the smoldering tip of a modest belvedere into rigid curls of smoke that separated like rivulets from a river and left slowly, softly, finally fading into a dreamlike haze."

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