October 05, 2007

The Big Organization Project

When I reinstalled Windows several months ago, all of my old computer files--photos, music, programs, writing--were copied into a backup directory. The internal structure was still a mess, as I got into the bad habit of saving files all over the place rather than in a dedicated directory.

After that point, I continued to save photos, songs, notes to myself and so on in many different directories, but not in any of the previously created different directories in the backup folder. In addition, these files were spread over two hard drives on an ad hoc basis.

Finally, I still have some even older computer files from a previous upgrade in a sub-directory of the previously mentioned backup directory.

The short of it is that my file system is impenetrable to any hacker sniffing for sensitive data. My comedy writing, a prime target for any thief looking for wisps of thoughts and half-written jokes, are scattered in at least eight different directories and in files with names like these: ideas.doc, Journal.doc, monkey.doc, Mr.doc, and notes.doc (all of these are from just one directory). The name "Notes" is my favorite. I have close to 100 non work-related MS Word files with 'notes' in the file name. Go ahead, hackers. Try and find the bit I started on Chick-Fil-A but never finished.

I realized this was a problem today when I was looking for an old resume and couldn't find it, along with most of the data to reconstruct my job history. I'm taking a few days to reorganize every single file I have. It is also a fine excuse to avoid creating a new resume.

This has the added bonus that I will probably be writing often in the next few days, so I can avoid the organization project that I am doing to avoid writing a resume, which incidentally I wanted to do to avoid writing a blog post.

Wait a minute...

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