May 16, 2006

Pancake City: American Inventor

Here are some of the inventions I've been working on recently:

Hairy Hair Gel--For balding men. Hair gel with clumps of hair in it to help fill out the thin spots.

GayDar 3000--A black market device that will only be sold to virulent homophobes looking to attack gay men and women. The titanium-plated device is a handheld radar screen that uses a flashing pink dot to point out all other owners of GayDar 3000s.

Wireless "I'm Not Crazy" Device--A hands-free headset that looks like a cellphone earpeice so people who like to talk to themselves won't look crazy. Our responsibility to deal with the mental illnesses of our nation's homeless is finally over!

Automatic Bill Pay--I'm not keen about this one, but my friend Bill kept bugging me to invent it.


Jason said...

I am greatly amused by your spam. No, really. It's awesome. It's the perfect balance between generic and specific.

"Your type of blogging sensibility" made me want to whiten my teeth. And I don't even have teeth! I'm a robot. A robot that now wants to become human, so I can whiten my teeth, thanks to you.

Anonymous said...

I thought you wasn't writing many blogs anymore because you couldn't think of anything to write, but you proved me wrong... I guess what I'm trying to say is (If you're not drunk and half naked by this point, you're not paying attention to me) I apologise...