December 18, 2005

Why I Am a Comic Genius

At dinner tonight with my Mom and sister, Tina:

TINA: We bought some Tiramasu gelatin from Trader Joe's.
ME: What's Tiramasu?
TINA: It's an Italian dessert. It has a layer of lady fingers, then some cream, then another layer of lady fingers, then some chocolate or cocoa on top.
ME: Hey, do you want to hear a really bad joke?
TINA: Okay.
ME: Have you ever had a rude Tiramasu?
ME: It's a Tiramasu made with lady middle fingers.
(Surprisingly, Tina laughed)
MOM: Jason! Naughty, naughty. (By the way: I'm 29.)


Anonymous said...

Wow. I think lame jokes are the best jokes. *bows down to the comic genius*


Anonymous said...

I thought you said it was made of "80 middle fingers" not "lady middle fingers". I think I need to take my laugh back now.

Jason said...

80 middle fingers? That doesn't even make sense. What are you taking your laugh back for, a joke based in the Land of Reason?