February 16, 2005

And the winner is...

It appears that I have greatly overestimated the nerdiness of my friends and other readers of this blog. The Pancake City "Name the Somewhat Obscure Sci-Fi Show" contest has ended without a single entry.

And let me indulge in the use of italics some more. "Name the Somewhat Obscure Sci-Fi Show". This wasn't "Space: Above & Beyond" or anything. You think someone would have at least tossed me a "Babylon 5" or a "Stargate: SG-1", for crying out loud, like Captain Picard* did in Episode 137 ("There are four lights!").

Sheesh. I had more people apply to my fake contest, "Post If You’re a Child Molester," that I ran as a sting with the police.

And you know when I said the winner would get, "A yet-to-be-determined** but likely crappy prize"? I lied. The prize was completely determined and it was fucking awesome.

You know what else is fucking awesome? The show in question, whose aforementioned awesomeness is so high that it requires a separate post for the singing of its praises. An encomium will come soon.

* Hey, spell check. You red squiggle my main man again and I'll cut you.

** Actually, I wrote "detrimed". I would have spell checked it, but my previous spell checker put a red squiggle under Sisko, there was a knife nearby and…well, we all do things we're not proud of.

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