September 21, 2006

If Only...

I got really excited when I heard on NPR today that cinematographer Sven Nightfist died. I've never heard of him, and I couldn't understand why as he has the Coolest Name Ever. (True side note: I've tried a variety of methods, from deadly serious to comical, to get responses to my email inquiries about rooms for rent, all will little success. My luck did not change with my latest technique: introducing myself as "Phineas HornBlower, Pirate Extraordinaire".)

Anyway, I couldn't believe that someone had a name that awesome. If I were Death, I couldn't kill someone with that cool of a name. Unless I also had a cool name, like Death Rocket Hands the III, esq.

Yet when I got home and searched for "Sven Nightfist" on Google to find a news story on his death (yes, many of the posts I write are supported with a modicum of research) nothing relevant turned up. My first thought: Am I spelling Sven wrong? Is it Swen?

I later found out that I got the boring part right and the interesting part wrong. That happens a lot with me. His true name: Sven Nykvist.

I want to find an audiofile of a newscaster reading his last name because it sounded exactly like Nightfist. In fact, if this guy was so great, why didn't he change his name to Nightfist himself? The dots were all there. All he had to do was draw the lines.

Well, the Swedes disappointed me again. From Swiss Miss "Hot" Chocolate (there's not even liquid in the pouches!) to Swedish "fish", it's one lie after another with these people.

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