April 16, 2003

Daily Show Chat

Mo Rocca is giving an online chat tomorrow for the Washington Post. I submitted this question:

"Hi Mo,

Let's say a little boy (bald headed, very cute) has cancer, and his dying wish is to be a writer for The Daily Show. "Oh," he says, his trembling hand clutching a stalk of broccoli, "How I wish I could write for my favoritest show, before I die....OF CANCER."

Now let's say said cancer-stricken boy is slightly older and probably doesn't have cancer, although the boy/man can't afford health insurance so who really knows? And he's not bald, although everyone in the hairazzi enjoys pointing out that he's balding.

Is there any way this person could get a chance to write for The Daily Show, even if it means cleaning Mo Rocca's toilet with the gold toothbrush Jon Stewart gave him for his loyal service? How does a 26-year-old writer get his foot in the Dream Store that's selling his fantasy of writing for his favorite show?"

Mo responded to my post.
MO: "This email is truly sick. How can you even joke about using my gold toothbrush to clean my toilet?!"

It wasn't the "Here's my cell phone number, let's chat" answer I wanted (I was hoping that he would be drunk by the time he responded to my post), but it's cool that he responded.

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